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4 Year Program is a part of a 6 Year Program for the students from the USA who already committed pre med program.
This portion of our MD Program extends upon our PreMedical Studies and explores normal human biology and chemistry in comparison to pathological states of disease. Basic Medical Sciences is where students will learn the differences in our nature when attributed to any disease process. In essence, students will continue their education as Medical Students.
This two-year portion of the program builds on basic knowledge in science, exposing students to in-class and laboratory aspects of normal and diseased human function. A core component of the Basic Medical Sciences is Human Anatomy, which teaches students in-detail structure of humans from the gross perspective. Students are required to have a fundamental understanding of landmarks of human anatomy and relationships between given structures of the body. Another pillar of the Basic Medical Sciences is Physiology. It is pertinent for students to understand the functions and controls of various processes in the human body, as there are important and prominent changes in diseased-states. Students will understand normal cellular function, signaling between various cells/tissues/organs/systems and functional responsibilities of the cells/tissues/organs/systems in human life.
Clinical Microbiology explains to students how various pathogens can offend normal human anatomy and physiology, and the characteristic diseases they result in. This is the basis for further studies in Infectious Disease and Pathology. Understanding of microbiological processes and interactions with the human body and how manifestations may occur are essential aids in diagnosis of certain ailments.
Non-invasive investigation is an important factor in patient assessment, and one of these modes of investigation pertains to Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Here, students will learn the basics of how tools in radiology can be used to investigate human disease processes. Also, students will be exposed to case studies/reports that will teach them how to interpret images on their own, coming to conclusions about differential diagnoses and plans of management.
Pathology and Pathophysiology describe to students the changes in gross, microscopic and functional aspects of the human disease. Students will learn to identify various disease processes and classify them in various methods, as well as learning management plans for healing. These pillars of the Medical Program compare states of human cells/tissues/organs/systems during disease with regards to normality (anatomy and physiology) and are essential for identification and classification. Without being able to identify a disease process, it is not possible to treat.
Pharmacology teaches students the basics of compounds used to treat various ailments. Here, students will be instructed as to complex pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different classes of drugs and compounds, along with adverse effects, dosing, and management of overdoses. These aspects of medicine are essential for treatment of patients in an appropriate manner.
Towards the end of our Basic Medical Sciences, students are subject to patient exposure in the History & Physical. Students will learn how to take a detailed history of the patient, including Chief Complaint, History of the Present Illness, Past Medical History, Allergies, Medication List, Social History, Family History of Illness and a Review of Systems. This subjective assessment of patient status from the patient themselves usually provides essential clues as to the disease process in question. Additionally, students learn an objective component to patient interaction. This includes a detailed physical examination with inspection, palpation and auscultation to assess various systems in the patient. Together, subjective and objective components provide clues that indicate the disease process in question or indicate a direction of focused of further investigation. Therefore, at American Northwest University, the History & Physical segment of the MD Program is a weight-bearing pillar of education that we deliver special focus to. In order to educate quality Medical Doctors, it is necessary to provide extensive and in-detail instruction as to these subjective and objective assessments. This provides an unmovable base in practice and patient interaction required of further clinical studies in our Clinical Rotations in Bosnia & Herzegovina or Clinical Rotations in the USA.
Two years of in-classroom lecture and laboratories with instruction of more in-depth medical topics.
Students are required to complete: